Monday, 25 January 2016

23/01/16 Shoot - Reflection

We began filming promptly on schedule and began to get into custome for the shoot. Due to the cold weather many issues arose. The ties were constantly blowing during film because of the wind- this led to Hannah shooting multiple takes of the same scene which affected our schedule. In addition,during filming we needed another memory card due to our first card being full. We did not have a spare at hand therefore Hannah had to go back home- we were filming nearby- and retrieve a second card. This further threw us behind schedule however, we managed to film all the shots we planned.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Production Schedule: 20/01/16

Schedule for Wednesday 20th January 2016

12pm: Arrive at location 1: Park
12:05pm: Set up equipment & begin filming 2 scenes
2pm: End filming

18/01/16 Shoot- Reflection

We planned to film the introduction and end scenes at Hannah's house. After that we were to film two scenes at the park then a scene that takes place in an alleyway. At first we were on schedule, I had arrived at 11.30am with the equipment and we began to set up promptly. However, we did not consider how difficult it was to use the crane. The footage was not smooth and Hannah could not film an aerial shot due to the heaviness of the crane. After a discussion, we decided to revert to using the camera and tripod. However, because of this we were behind schedule. We decided to reschedule the scenes at the park to the following Wednesday as we did not have enough time to film. Next we filmed at the alleyway as it was the closest location and it did not take as long to shoot as the park scene. This was a good decision as we found that the alleyway scene took longer than expected as I had to place the logos on the wall. We finished filming and began to reschedule for Wednesday's shoot.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Final Digipak

This is the final digipak and poster:

I think the overall digipak design could have been improved as I struggled with choosing which images to include. I wanted to avoid confusion as to whether the female was 'L|NES' by using less images of her- however after hearing feedback from the audience I found that many preferred images of the female instead of the actual artist. I think the main image fits well yet I feel as if the images do not correlate well with each other. I think the decision to use the logo design as the CDs fit well as it refers to the artist.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Production Schedule 23/01/16

Production Schedule  Saturday 23rd January 2016

11.30am: Arrive at location: Park
11.35am: Set up equipment & begin filming
1.35pm: End filming

cameratripodtieslogospowder paintshirts

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Production Schedule: 18/01/16

Schedule for Monday 18th January 2016
11.30am: Arrive at location 1: Hannah's house
11.35am: Set up equipment& begin filming introduction scene & ending scene 
12.10pm: Finish filming & move location 2: Park 
12.20pm: Set up equipment & begin filming  two scenes 
1.00pm: Finish filming & move location 3: Alley Way 
1.10pm: Set up equipment & begin filming final scene of the day
1:40pm: Finish filming

Friday, 8 January 2016

Costume And Props Planning

FOR 13/01/16 SHOOT

  • Five white masks 
  • Five colourful ties 

  • Powder paint
  • Glow in the dark paint 
  • UV torches 
  • Five tubs

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Public Filming

"If you are a small crew — five people or fewer — using a handheld camera and your filming will not cause an obstruction then there is no restriction to filming on London’s public highway. In some boroughs this also extends to small crews with a tripod. No licence or any form of official permission is required.
Common law rights allow users of public highways to “pass and re-pass ... and to make reasonable use of it”. Section 137 of the Highways Act 1980 restricts these rights where the use of the highway causes an “obstruction” to other users rights of free passage. If you are considered to be causing an obstruction then there is a risk that you will be stopped from filming.
If you think you are likely to cause an obstruction then you need to apply to film via the appropriate Local Authority, however we strongly recommend that you always inform the relevant Borough Film Service if you are filming on their streets. If the local authority is not aware that you will be filming in the area then you can be asked to stop. If a member of the public complains and you don't have permission to film, then you may be asked to move on by police. Some Local Authorities provide Notices of No Objection for small crew filming."

From this research, we have discovered that we will be able to film in public without an issue.